Scranton council hires new attorney, handles other business

~courtesy of The Scranton Journal

The city of Scranton has a new city attorney. It is Jonathan Law, a member of the Mumma and Pedersen Law Firm in Jefferson and a Paton-Churdan graduate.

When David Morain became the Greene County magistrate, he was required to be released from his duties as city attorney for Scranton and other communities. Scranton city officials checked for other attorneys interested in handling the city’s legal work and approved retaining Law on a three-to-two vote at their July 12 meeting.

Voting in favor of Law were Julie McAleer, Connie Scrivner and Ethel Subbert. Cole Gustoff and Marilyn Jacobsen cast dissenting votes.

Dustin Gustoff was appointed to the Scranton library board. Cindy Boyd, Darlene Taggart and Jerry Boyd were appointed to the parks committee.

Cheryl Robson gave the monthly library report including election of officers, long range planning, purchases, programs and training. 

Mayor Randy Winkelman reported on the Community Center, highlighting meeting with new members, volleyball, brick work and an upcoming tractor ride. Chad Kirk commented on public works. He discussed monthly reports, lab testing, street work and the results of the storm sewer televising and repairs that are needed.

Rick Hunsaker of Region XII Council of Governments attended the meeting to review the draft employee handbook. The Council reviewed comments on the handbook.

The council set a public hearing on Aug. 9 on the zoning commission’s recommendation on the adoption of the proposed comprehensive plan. A resolution setting the salaries for employees of the city for the 2017 fiscal year was approved.

The third and final reading of the ordinance relating to the billing charges for water was approved. It was published last month and is effective now.

Two other resolutions were tabled for further review. Park projects and repairs were discussed.


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